Headset Bluetooth Samsung HM1000 - Aksesoris Hp purwakarta - Dukani Store | Spesialis Aksesoris Hp Purwakarta

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Headset Bluetooth Samsung HM1000 - Aksesoris Hp purwakarta

Headset Bluetooth Samsung HM1000 - Aksesoris Hp purwakarta

Short Description:

Product Description

Headset Bluetooth SAMSUNG HM1000 

Saatnya Menelpon ga pake ribet harus pegang2 HP
dgn Headset ini dengan suara yg Jernih Menelpon lama2 dgn pacar,teman,saudara jadi lebih nyaman. bisa sambil kerja,sambil makan,sambil masak.
Fungsi Nelpon dan Music jg bisa..
Handsfree Bluetooth Samsung HM1000

Headset ini sangat Jernih suara yg keluar..

Bluetooth Version V3.0
Talk Time 4 Hour
Standby Time 120 Hour
Operating Range 10 meter
Microphone Yes
Radio N/A
Supports Music Format MP3
Compatible With Cellphones or tablets with bluetooth
Other Features Can connect with 2 phones at the same time

kelengkapan :
- 1 unit headset bluetooth 
- 1 unit headset tambahan ( bonus no garansi )
- 1 charge usb kabel ( tidak termasuk kepala adaptor )
- cantoan kuping transparan 
- 1 dos packing ( Dos macam2 warna )